Thursday, October 20, 2011


Lately, the science class of room 47, hasn't been having to many labs. But, we are getting down to work. We're watching Bill Nye videos, taking notes, and learning about matter and physical properties are.
We also have been learning about what the atoms of the three main types of matter, solids, liquids and gasses. The particles of a solid are compact, and have almost no movement other than vibrating in place. The particles of a liquid are more free to move around than the particles of a solid, and take the shape of the container they are in. The particles in a gas take up all of the space available, and are all over where they can be. We learned that the reason you can't walk through solids is because the atoms are so compact. It is hard to move through liquid, because the atoms are spread out enough to allow movement, but still close enough to make it hard. It takes almost no effort to move through gas because the particles are so spread out that they don't push you back to much, but if you go really fast, like 700 miles an hour, you feel air resistance. That is what is we are learning in science class.

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