Friday, October 7, 2011

The Private Eye

Chart of findings
Little square soury salt
Today we got to classify matter by some other physical properties, we got private eyes (jeweler's loop) and took a really close look. A lot of stuff looked really cool. We looked at glue, chicken feed, and salt. Along with two items of our choice, it was a lot of fun. We looked for the shape, size, color, and texture. Our science teacher also had a bunch of cool stuff to look at. He had a wasp nest, spiky tree things, and other things. We saw little rough holes in the salt, I could just taste the sour square in my mouth. When we looked at the mulch it reminded me of cow patties and old decomposed grass. This Private Eye thing is pretty darn EPIC! No wonder the jewelers all use it. We will see ya next time on the SCIENCE BLOG!

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