Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Matter of States

One afternoon in an exciting science class, we learned about matter and the states they can be in. Matter is anything you can feel such as solids, liquids and gases. Matter also takes up space and has weight. The class made models of matter's three states to see how fast they each move. The solids molecules are very cramped so they have very little space to move making it hard. The liquids molecules have more space to move around so they go faster then solids molecules making the liquid easy to go through. The gases molecules have enough room to move very fast, you can't see gas unlike liquids and solids. The models really helped the class understand how matter works that exciting day.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Matter Matters

Wednesday, September 21st Mr.Matus's Class did a fun, intergalactic, lesson on matter. The program starts with the kids figuring out what materials you need to classify the properties of matter. Then the kids were surprised by 4 different, multicolored, liquids. They had to chose the right tool (the thermometer) and find out the temperature. Then the kids wrote a few sentences about what they learned about matter. Some said that they learned that a football floats and also that the properties of matter are liquids, solids, and gases. Once the kids were done, they printed out there progress. It was epic, and everyone had fun.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Waft to Whiff

The sweet smell of vanilla, filled my nose with a wonderful scent. The steak sauce cup before the vanilla cup, was terrible in my nose. The vanilla replaced the horrid smell of steak sauce burning in my nose. Not long after, we smelled spicy peppers, melting our noses with its smell and who can forget sour smell of vinegar. After we finished going through all the cups, we wrote down our observations. Ultimately, we had to learn how to waft or the smells might hurt our nose if we waft.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Loop planes in science class

In Mr. Matus's class, students were to make a loop plane using a straw, some paper, and tape. Outside, we threw the planes (which flew surprisingly far) and measured with a yardstick how far they flew. Using the scientific method, we were able to make a recollection of what happened during the experiment. It was a cool experiment, and probably the best one all year.